Non-Profit and Education Institutions
Grant Writing Services

There are many benefits to contracting the services of a grant writing
professional. Instead of paying for the high cost of a full-time grant writer,
with an average salary range of anywhere from $65,000 to over $150,000
per year, "outsourcing" services when you need them could quickly save
you thousands of dollars. It is also extremely hard to find experienced
professional writers with proven results.

By contracting
our services, you will only pay for relevant, appropriate
services that are most likely to result in large dollar, multi-year, sustainable
grant awards for your organization. W
e will walk you through the entire
grant development process and only recommend what is in your best
interest - financially and programmatically.

Benefits we bring to your organization

  • Enabling your organization, whether large or small, to make the best
    impression on funders as its capacity is presented in the most
    professional way possible.

  • Relieving work overload on your staff.

  • Eliminating last minute deadlines and piecemealed grant proposals.

  • Enabling administrative staff to concentrate on leadership issues - not
    on the time consuming, tedious writing of a grant proposal or progress

  • Reducing the cost of a salaried writer but gaining the same level of
    professional support and service through one time grant proposal
    development and retainer-based service activities.

We have found through our experience that many of those who promote
themselves to be grant writers are really not professionals at all. Writing 5
to 20 grants does not make one a professional grant writer. That can only
be accomplished with a long-time, proven track record of award success.

Many inexperienced grant writers will attempt to charge a client based on
commission as paid from the grants themselves. Not only is this illegal, but
it could get your organization in a great deal of trouble. Other grant writers
claim that they can write one magic proposal and submit it to hundreds of
funders for a single fee. This approach to grant writing is completely
ineffective and is a waste of the client’s time and money. Every grantor
has its own set of application guidelines and every grant must be originally
and specifically written for that funder with few exceptions. There are even
grant writers who have the client fill out lengthy questionnaires and then
use this information to comprise the proposal. A professional writer should
be the one to develop the grant - after all, isn't this what the client pays
We believe that our clients use our services to avoid having to take
the time to fill out extensive documents. W
e can acquire the information we
need to develop your grant proposal during a few phone calls or office
visits. Illegal and ineffective approaches to grant writing can quickly cost
your organization a great deal of time and money. Why risk it?